
Compliance Software for  Corporate Compliance Teams


How can you ensure your risk management and compliance department and legal team operate at its most efficient? With ConvergePoint’s compliance management software, on the Microsoft 365 SharePoint online platform, you can streamline your policies and procedure process, contract management, conflict of interest disclosures, and incident tracking.

Take a look below for a brief overview of our four flagship products, and then let’s discuss how we can leverage your existing Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint platform with our software to keep your business compliant, safe, and operating at its most efficient.

Policy Management Software

ConvergePoint's Policy Management Software built on Microsoft 365 SharePoint is an indispensable tool for corporate compliance teams to track and manage organizational policies. 

  • Draft, review, and approve documents with Policy Management Software and introduce compliance best practices.
  • Store, manage, and control access to essential documents in a centralized location.
  • Receive automated alerts for policy updates or expirations.
  • Ensure swift communication of policy changes across the organization.
  • Facilitate efficient auditing and compliance reporting.
  • Track all modifications made to existing policies for transparency and accountability.
  • Enhance regulatory compliance best practices used by the corporate compliance teams.
  • Reduce administrative costs through a comprehensive policy management solution.

Contract Management Software

ConvergePoint's Contract Management Software built on Microsoft 365 SharePoint is a comprehensive solution to help corporate compliance teams manage contracts and other important documents. The platform provides secure and easy access to contracts, allowing users to quickly search for relevant information. It also allows for automated tracking of contract expiration dates, ensuring that all necessary actions are taken before any agreement lapses. Additionally, the software simplifies much of the paperwork associated with contract management by automating document generation, approval processes, and renewal cycles. Corporate compliance teams can benefit from this platform as it helps them save time and money while ensuring legal compliance in their organization.

Conflict of Interest Software

ConvergePoint’s Conflict of Interest Disclosures Management Software provides corporate compliance teams with a secure and user-friendly solution for managing the disclosure process. The software simplifies the workflow by allowing users to quickly submit disclosures, check them against the organization's policies, and identify any potential conflicts. It also allows organizations to assign roles and responsibilities regarding the review process. This helps ensure that all disclosed information is properly reviewed before being accepted or rejected. The software also offers advanced reporting capabilities, allowing corporate compliance teams to better track and monitor conflict of interest trends within their organization. By leveraging this comprehensive platform, corporate compliance teams can ensure their efforts at preventing unethical behavior are effective and efficient.

Incident Management Software

ConvergePoint's Incident Management Software is designed to provide corporate compliance teams with a comprehensive and secure solution for tracking, responding to, and resolving incidents. It simplifies the process by providing users with the ability to quickly document and track incidents as they occur. The software also offers analytics capabilities to help identify potential risks or areas of improvement. With its advanced reporting tools, corporate compliance teams can monitor incident trends and analyze data in order to improve their processes over time. Users also benefit from automated alerts that inform them when an incident has been recorded or resolved. By leveraging this platform, corporate compliance teams can ensure they are well-equipped to handle any type of incident while optimizing their resources in the process.

Are you ready to learn more?

Talk to one of our compliance management experts today!